Thursday, March 5, 2020

20 Phrasal Verbs related to Education - English Lesson via Skype

20 Phrasal Verbs related to Education - English Lesson via Skype Have you ever wondered why ESL learners and teachers keep talking about phrasal verbs? The answer is pretty simple. You have to understand and be able to use phrasal verbs correctly if you want to speak fluent English. Here you will learn 20 Phrasal verbs related to education.  I would also suggest that you check out my post on the grammar of phrasal verbs where you will learn about 5 types of phrasal verbs in English. 20 Phrasal Verbs related to Education CATCH ONto understandExample: They were making fun of me, but I didnt catch on until I saw them laughing.DROP OUTto leave school or university before your course has finishedExample: Sally had dropped out of college in the first year.FALL BEHINDto not be on schedule, to be behind the standard or level of students in your class/groupExample: He was a smart boy in school, but he fell behind due to his illness and gave up.FIND OUTto learn something that you didnt knowExample: Please click on the following link to find out about the lessons provided in school.GO OVERto review something, to check somethingExample: Im not sure if my figures are accurate, can we go over the one more time?HAND INto give a piece of your work to somebody (teacher, lecturer) so that they can read it or deal with itExample: Students have handed in their assignment for marking.  HAND OUT  to give or offer things to people in a group so that each person has one or someExample: The teacher opened a folder shed brou ght with her and handed out sheets of paper to everyone.  CUT OUTto remove a part of something by cutting itExample: They cut out animals and flowers from the scraps of clothing.LOOK AT1. to read something quickly and not very thoroughly  Example: I looked at your report and I think its really good.2. to investigate or think carefully about a problem or situationExample: Travel expenses are getting out of control. We need to have a look at them closely.LOOK UPto find a piece of information in a boo, internet, etcExample: Can you give me his last name, so I can  look up his email address? Phrasal Verbs related to Education Enjoyed this infographic? Here's what you can do next: MISS OUTto not include something or someoneExample: She missed some important points out of her essay.MIX UPto confuse two things or peopleExample: Jack has a difficulty with visualising numbers and often mixes them up.OPT FORto choose a particular option or thing  Example: Peter was unsure what to study in college, he eventually opted for business and law.RUN THROUGHto read or rehearse something quickly in order to repeat or checkExample: I had run through my figures over and over again.SIGN UPto agree to take part in an activity or to join an organisationExample: If you have never signed up for this programme, please contact our support team directly so we can help out.  TAKE INto absorb new facts and informationExample: I was so shocked that I didnt take in everything.KICK SOMEBODY OUTto force somebody to leave a place, course, job, etcExample: They kicked him out of school just as his final year was to begin.READ OVERto read something from beginning to end in order to find mistak es or check detailsExample: You should always read over your work to ensure there are no spelling mistakes.STUDY UNDERto be taught by someoneExample: He entered the Art Students League where he studied under many famous artists.  PUT OFFto postpone something to a later timeExample: Due to his severe illness, he is forced to put off his studies until he regains his health.

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